Sunday, February 8, 2009

Photo Album (s)

As requested, here are my photos from Haiti. I had to create 2 albums because there are so many pictures.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Despair and Hope

The last few days have been a whirlwind. Thursday, we delivered several more filters to multiple schools in an area call Port of Jeremiah. Just when I thought I had seen the worst, I was shocked to be in an area beyond any conceivable living conditions my mind could have contrived. The roads were filled with human excrement, the building were complete devastation, yet filled with more people that can be described. The flies, the smell, the sight of such extreme poverty made me feel overwhelmed by the need here. I had a bought of depressed thinking that our efforts were enormously inadequate. Here is a photo of a school that teaches 212 kids -- in shifts, half in the morning, and half in the afternoon.

Friday, we went to Wings of Hope, which is an orphanage filled with handicapped children. The building is an oasis of beauty and art. The children were gathered in a room with native drums and drummers. I met little girl named Josephina. She has cerebral palsy, but is thriving. She is learning to walk and speak English. She and I had an immediate connection. I felt God's grace come through her reminding me that one person can make a difference, and a difference can be made here.

Last night we went to St. Joseph's School for boys. It is a school/orphanage that is connected with Wings of Hope. We were treated to a performance by their professional dance company -- Resurrection Life Dancers. The boys were either street children or child slaves. The performance was incredibly moving. The boys are very talented, the choreography is creative and expressive, telling stories of the boys lives. Several of the boys have physical handicaps. It was incredible to see how these kids had risen above their circumstances, found a way to express their past, and excelled in an art that can reach the heart of others.
If you read the post below, you read about Waterlove. Here is his photo.