Friday, January 23, 2009


We arrived safe and sound in Haiti yesterday. The guest house we are staying at is very nice -- clean and sufficient. Today we were able to go to the facility where the water filtration systems are built.

The process is really quite simple. Concrete containers with clean sand to filter the water. Mona (the pastor from Galesburg who is traveling with us) and I were chosen first thing as we arrived to go on an installation. It was surreal being able to go to a school and see the children and the facilities on our first day out.

We jumped in a truck with the installers and drove to the worst part of the city -- the place, we were told, where the kidnappings and gang violence has occured -- referred to as the slums. It was quite an experience.

I have been designated the project photographer and will have a lot of incredible photographs to load when I return to the states and a faster internet access.

We returned to the site and hauled water and sand, and painted filtration systems.

Internet access is limited and others are waiting to communicate home...more soon.

1 comment:

Deanna said...

I am looking forward to seeing those pictures! So excited for you...Wish I was there, too!! :)